Category Archives: psychology
Specific parts of the brain do many things
A really interesting study looking at the different regions of the brain do many things, rather than the received wisdom that each brain region is specialised for one thing. What Does Any Part of the Brain Do? – Neuroskeptic
The Neuroscience of Changing Your Mind
Great stuff. It explains why changing one’s mind is so hard. Xu hopes these insights into how difficult it is for the brain to amend its plans—a task that only gets harder as we age and neural communication slows—can eventually … Continue reading
What next for behavioural economics?
Tim Hartford takes a long hard look at Behavioural Economics. …there is something unnerving about a discipline in which our discoveries about the past do not easily generalise to the future. That’s always been my problem with BE. It promises … Continue reading
Beware of Selfies
There is some proper science going on here. Results revealed that selfies were indeed evaluated more negatively than photos taken by others. Persons in selfies were rated as less trustworthy, less socially attractive, less open to new experiences, more narcissistic … Continue reading
Busting the ‘Neuromyths’ About How We Learn
A great piece on the myths of neuroscience. Some people learn best by doing, right? Others have a visual memory, and it’s important for them to see something depicted if they want to… Source: Busting the ‘Neuromyths’ About How We … Continue reading
Workshop: Psychology for UX and Product Design
A practical, hands on way to understand how the human brain works and apply that knowledge to User Experience and product design. Learn the psychological principles behind how our brain makes sense of the world and apply that to product … Continue reading
Pricing Psychology: 10 Timeless Strategies
Some great ideas in there. As always be nice and use this stuff for good! Source: Pricing Psychology: 10 Timeless Strategies to Increase Sales
Over half of psychology studies fail reproducibility test
61% of the theories from psychology studies can’t be reproduced. We are complex beings us humans. Largest replication study to date casts doubt on many published positive results. Source: Over half of psychology studies fail reproducibility test
Our Top 50 Human Behaviour Experts to Follow
A great list of people to follow on Twitter to keep up psychology. Source: Our Top 50 Human Behavior Experts to Follow in 2017